NDI Bridge automation
An NDI Bridge executable can also be launched using the following command line arguments:
Generates extensive log entries in Windows Event Logs, with the event source labeled as "NDI Bridge."
Initiates the Bridge in host mode.
Launches the Bridge in join mode.
Starts the Bridge in local mode.
Minimizes the Bridge window upon startup.
Suppresses the display of any user interface elements and prevents the creation of a taskbar icon.
For example, you can use /local /autorun to initiate the Bridge in local mode and minimize it. Similarly, /local /noui
will start the Bridge in local mode without any user interface. If you use /autostart
without specifying /host
, /join
, or /local
, the Bridge will start in the last selected mode.
It's important to note that Bridge will not start with these flags if there is a configuration error, such as an invalid IP address for the remote address in the join mode while attempting to auto-start join.
If you prefer to configure the Bridge using a configuration file, you can find the settings in AppData\Local\NDI\Application.NDI.Bridge.UI\bridge_settings.json.
Most setting names are self-explanatory, except for "selected_tab," which serves as an index field to indicate the last selected tab (mode) the user used (0 = host, 1 = join, 2 = local).
All settings for each mode are present in the same file, so you may need to adjust your logic to target the correct settings for the appropriate mode (e.g., "host_model," "local_model," "join_model").
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