NDI Receiver Actor

An NDI Receiver Actor acts as a screen on which an NDI stream is played. The stream to be played is specified using an NDI Media Receiver asset.

By default, the receiver actor does not have a media receiver asset set as a media source. In the NDI IO section of the receiver actor's settings, an existing NDI Media Receiver asset can be used, or a new one can be created. Multiple receiver actors can share the same receiver asset.

NDI IO Settings

The actor's media source references an NDI Media Receiver asset. Multiple NDI Receiver Actors can share the same media receiver asset.

The Frame Width and Frame Height scale the display. By default, it is set up to fit a 16:9 aspect ratio. If the frames in an NDI stream have a different aspect ratio, the video will be stretched or squashed (the aspect ratio of the video will not be preserved).

Enabling or disabling audio, color, and alpha channels can control which components of the stream to use for this actor. These settings only affect this actor, not any other actor sharing the same media source.

Alternatively, displaying streams directly in an NDI Receiver Actor, users can assign an NDI Media Texture2D to a material and apply it to a surface. Once an NDI Media Receiver is set up, it automatically starts receiving streams when the level begins, without requiring manual activation.

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