FPGA Projects
Directory structure:
VHDL files for the NDI Decoder core. All files should be compiled into the NDI_Dec VHDL library rather than the default work library
VHDL files for the NDI Encoder core. All files should be compiled into the NDI_Enc VHDL library rather than the default work library
Altera specific implementations of memory and FIFO blocks
Source code common to all example designs
External (non-NDI) IP used in the example designs
VHDL Packages defining various types used in the logic
Xilinx specific implementations of memory and FIFO blocks
Quartus Pro 22.2 NDI Encode project directory targeting the Arria-10 SoC DevKit
Quartus Pro 22.2 NDI Decode project directory targeting the Arria-10 SoC DevKit
Deprecated Quartus 22.1 NDI Decode project directory targeting the Terasic SoCKit
Vivado 2022.1 NDI Encode project directory targeting the Xilinx ZCU104
Vivado 2022.1 NDI Decode project directory targeting the Xilinx ZCU104
Vivado 2022.1 NDI Encode project directory targeting the Digilent Zybo-Z7-20
Vivado 2022.1 NDI Decode project directory targeting the Digilent Zybo-Z7-20
"Lightweight" Vivado 2022.1 NDI Encode project directory targeting the Digilent Zybo-Z7-20 with 16-bit SDRAM interface
Vivado 2022.1 NDI Encode project directory targeting the Digilent Arty-Z7-20
Vivado 2022.1 NDI Encode project directory targeting the Xilinx Kria KV260
Build Dependencies
All Xilinx projects require Vivado version 2022.1. Any edition of Vivado 2022.1 will work, including the "WebPACK" edition available via free download from Xilinx.
You must have a valid license for the Xilinx HDMI IP core used in the ZCU104-based example designs. You may use a full license or a free evaluation license, but the license must be installed prior to launching Vivado to build the project: https://www.xilinx.com/products/intellectual-property/hdmi.html
Zybo-Z7-20 / Zybo-Z7-20-Lite / Arty-Z7-20
Board files from Digilent must be installed prior to launching Vivado in order to build the Zybo example designs. The board files may be obtained from github and installation instructions are on the Digilent website.
Digilent periodically updates their board files repository which can lead to errors when openijng projects caused by a discrepancy in the BoardPart
property. For reference, the current version of Zybo and Arty example designs were built with commit hash 3f67d8f827bf83bb6a16b4879e4fdad68b8443e8
. The ZCU104 example designs are built with board file revision 1.1 and should have been installed by Vivado 2022.1. This can be verified from the Vivado Tcl console with the command get_boards *zcu104*
. Older or missing board files are a common source of failures to build Xilinx example designs.
Due to changes in Xilinx recommendations, these projects show critical warnings when loaded in recent versions of Vivado. These warnings may be ignored, as explained by the Digilent reference manual.
Kria KV260
The Kria KV260 example design deviates significantly from others supplied with the NDI Advanced SDK. See the README
file in the KV260-Enc
directory for details on how to create designs targeting this platform.
The contents of the file NDI_Enc/Encode_Altera.lic
(for Encode) and NDI_Dec/Decode_Altera.lic
(for Decode) must be appended to your Quartus license file. If you do not have a license file, you must create one.
Arria-10 projects require Quartus Pro 22.2.0.
Cyclone-V projects require Quartus 22.1. The examples were compiled using the free "Lite" version, however the "Standard" edition should work as well.
Follow the Altera instructions for installation, including the required manual installation of WSL if you are using Windows.
If you plan to rebuild the NIOS code which reconfigures the GXB transceivers and PLLs, you need to manually install Eclipse per the Altera Quartus installation instructions. These instructions can also typically be found in the file: <Quartus installation directory>/nios2eds/bin/README
Once you have all required dependencies installed (see above), simply open the desired project and build normally. The contents for the block design elements (hard processor system, PLLs, etc) will be regenerated on the first build.
Before you can build the Altera projects, you must generate the hps platform logic from the qsys file.
Rebuild the hps platform
Launch Platform Designer
Open ndi_hps.qsys
Click "Generate HDL..."
Select VHDL Synthesis output (optional)
Click "Generate"
Once the qsys project has been generated, run a normal Quartus compilation
Known Issues and Limitations:
The video I/O logic (eg: HDMI to SDRAM and SDRAM to HDMI) is intended as an easy to understand minimally functional example and is not recommended for use in production. In particular, the input logic does not gracefully handle corrupt video data, unexpected cable removal, and similar signal quality issues.
It is expected the user of this SDK will have their own custom video I/O logic specific to their target hardware. If this is not the case and a production capable video I/O solution is desired, there are numerous IP cores available from Xilinx, Altera, and 3rd parties capable of supporting all major video interfaces (SDI, HDMI, Display Port, CSI/DSI, etc.).
NDI IP Files and Use
NDI Encoder
Two VHDL files are required to use the NDI Encoder. Both files should be compiled into the NDI_Enc
library in the following order:
Xilinx Projects:
Altera Projects:
There is also a component declaration file Enc_Core_Comp.vhd
for use as a reference when instantiating the encoder core. Each encoder core Enc_Core_E
includes a register I/O interface, a read-only bus master interface for reading raw video data, and a write-only bus master interface for writing compressed NDI data. Note the raw video memory and the compressed NDI memory do not need to be the same physical bank of memory. Using two memory banks can improve system performance, particularly on lower-end devices such as the Zynq 7000 and Cyclone-V families.
NDI Decoder
Two VHDL files are required to use the NDI Decoder. Both files should be compiled into the NDI_Dec
library in the following order:
Xilinx Projects:
Altera Projects:
There is also a component declaration file Dec_Core_Comp.vhd
for use as a reference when instantiating the encoder core. Each decoder core Dec_Core_E
includes a register I/O interface, a read-only bus master interface for reading compressed NDI data, and a write-only bus master interface for writing raw video data. Note the raw video memory and the compressed NDI memory do not need to be the same physical bank of memory. Using two memory banks can improve system performance, particularly on lower-end devices such as the Zynq 7000 and Cyclone-V families.
SDRAM Bus Interfaces
The bus-mastering memory interfaces are natively a sub-set of the Altera Avalon interface specification. These buses may be tied directly to an Avalon interface port in an Altera design. For Xilinx designs, clear-text bus shim logic is provided to convert the Avalon bus subset used by the Encoder core into a more standard AXI interface:
Translates Avalon read bus to AXI read bus
Translates Avalon write bus to AXI write bus
Merges 2 Avalon read buses into one AXI read bus
Interface AXI write bus to simple register write bus
Interface AXI read bus to simple register read bus
Usage examples for these files can be found in the top-level files for the example designs.
NDI Encode
Writes (compressed NDI data)
There is clear-text logic in the Encode_x4 file which merges the four lower bandwidth compressed write streams into a single write stream. The raw (uncompressed) audio data is also merged into this stream.
This write bus is connected to a cache coherent port to the hard processor system, eliminating the need for a kernel mode DMA driver.
Reads (raw video data)
For maximum performance, the four read streams are all brought out to the top level to provide maximum flexibility in scheduling SDRAM transactions. The NDI Encoder cores will tolerate fairly high latency on raw video reads, but require sufficient overall bandwidth to avoid stalling the NDI cores. Each of the NDI cores can process one pixel element (Y or C) per clock.
NDI Decode
Reads (compressed NDI data)
There is clear-text logic in the Decode_x4 file which merges the four lower bandwidth compressed Read streams into a single AXI read stream.
This read bus is connected to a cache coherent port to the hard processor system, eliminating the need for a kernel mode DMA driver.
Writes (raw video data)
For maximum performance, the four write streams are all brought out to the top level to provide maximum flexibility in scheduling SDRAM transactions. The NDI Decoder cores will tolerate fairly high latency on raw video writess, but require sufficient overall bandwidth to avoid stalling the NDI cores. Each of the NDI cores can process one pixel element (Y or C) per clock. For maximum performance, the four write streams are all brought out to the top level.
Full vs. Lite Encode Designs
The Zybo-Z7-20-Lite
and Arty-Z7-20
example designs are intended as a reference for a more limited platform. Only one SDRAM chip is used (16-bit SDRAM interface) and only two encoder cores are instantiated. This implementation is still capable of operation at resolutions up to 1080p60.
All other example designs instantiate a "full" implementation which includes four NDI Encode or Decode cores providing maximum performance and minimum latency.
HDMI Input Logic
Arria-10 SoC DevKit
The a10-socdk-enc design targeting the Arria-10 SoC Development Kit uses a slightly modified version of the Altera Arria10 HDMI Rx-Tx Retransmit HDMI example design. The top-level of this example design is modified to export the recevied HDMI video, audio, and AVI data to the top-level where they are connected to the video and audio input logic.
Rebuilding the NIOS HDMI software
Insure you have manually installed Eclipse per the Altera documentation
In Quartus, select Tools -> Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-refernce/a10-socdk-enc/software
as the Workspace directoryCreate a new project and BSP in Eclipse
File -> New -> Nios II Application and BSP from Template
SOPC Information File name:
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-reference/a10-socdk-enc/rtl/nios/nios.sopcinfo
Project Name: tx_control
Project location:
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-refernce/a10-socdk-enc/software/tx_control
NOTE: Remove
from the default path
Project Template: Blank Project
Click: Finish
Modify BSP settings
Nios II -> BSP Editor...
In the Main tab, under Settings -> Common
Check: enable_small_c_library
Check: enable_reduced_device_drivers
File -> Save
Click: Generate BSP
Close BSP Editor
Using a file browser, navigate to
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-refernce/a10-socdk-enc/software/tx_control_src
Select all files, right-click, and select: Copy
In Eclipse, right-click tx_control and select: Paste
Build: Project -> Build All (or press ctrl+B)
Update MIF file used to build FPGA
Right-click tx_control -> Make Targets -> Build
Select mem_init_generate
Click: Build
Zynq 7000 HDMI Input
The Zynq-7000 based designs (i.e., the Arty and Zybo Z7 boards) use RTL based on two open-source projects to process serial HDMI data into the parallel video required by the NDI encoder. Low-level, serial-to-parallel data conversion and lane alignment are performed by RTL from the Digilent DVI2RGB core. The aligned 10-bit characters are then processed as HDMI packets and subpackets by RTL from the Hamsterworks HDMI core. Additional RTL is also provided which merges these two cores together and produces the required video and audio data formats for the NDI encoder. For additional details, see the ip/extern/README.md
ZCU104 HDMI Input
The ZCU104 board uses the Xilinx HDMI 2.0 IP core. A full or evaluation license must be installed for this core prior to building the design with Vivado. This IP core also requires control software to monitor the incoming HDMI signal and make any adjustments required. This software is currently running "bare-metal" on one of the Cortex-R5 cores.
Rebuilding the Cortex-R5 HDMI Software
If you have made any changes to the FPGA project:
Compile the ZCU104 FPGA design
Export the hardware to the SDK
File -> Export -> Export Hardware...
<Include bitstream>
and clickNext
Adjust path/filename if desired and click
Launch Vitis
Tools -> Launch Vitis IDE
Set Workspace directory as desired
Create a new Platform Project
File -> New -> Platform Project
Set Project name to
Create a new platform from hardware (XSA)
Select file
Set Operating System to
Set CPU to
Generate boot components
Platform Editor
window should open for the ZCU104-Enc platformSelect
ZCU104-Enc -> psu_cortexr5_0 -> standalone -> Board Support Package
Modify BSP Settings
Select the
libraries (used to communicate with Linux), leave all other libraries unselectedSwitch the console to UART1
Set the Value for stdin to
Set the Value for stdout to
Be patient, the BSP generation can take a while.
Import the HDMI Rx example project
In the Board Support Package window
Scroll down to
(it is near the bottom)Select
Import Examples
Be patient!
RxOnly_R5_1_system -> RxOnly_R5_1 -> src
All file names below are relative to this path
Update the DDR memory region in the linker script
Open the file
Set the
region details to match the rproc_0_reserved reserved memory region in the device-tree and save the file Base Address : 0x3ed00000 Size : 0x80000
Change HDMI code to use UART1
At line 86, change UART_BASEADDR to use UART1 and save the file #define UART_BASEADDR XPAR_XUARTPS_1_BASEADDR
Update EDID Data (Optional)
Edit constant
as desiredNOTE: EDID contents used for the example are in the file
Build the project
Project -> Build Project
Copy the elf file to the ZCU104
The elf file can be found at the following path
Copy this file to
on the ZCU104Rename the file as desired
Make sure you reference this filename when launching the R5 via remoteproc!
HDMI Output Logic
Arria-10 SoC DevKit
The a10-socdk-dec design targeting the Arria-10 SoC Development Kit uses a modified version of the Altera Arria10 HDMI Rx-Tx Retransmit HDMI example design. All Rx logic and the RxTx loopback logic is removed and the HDMI Tx fpll and iopll blocks use the REFCLK_SDI signal as a clock reference instead of the HDMI Rx clock. The tx_control NIOS code has been updated to reconfigure the output divisor for the fpll and iopll instance to switch between video modes.
Rebuilding the NIOS HDMI software
Insure you have manually installed Eclipse per the Altera documentation
In Quartus, select Tools -> Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-refernce/a10-socdk-dec/software
as the Workspace directoryCreate a new project and BSP in Eclipse
File -> New -> Nios II Application and BSP from Template
SOPC Information File name:
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-reference/a10-socdk-dec/rtl/nios/nios.sopcinfo
Project Name: tx_control
Project location:
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-refernce/a10-socdk-dec/software/tx_control
NOTE: Remove
from the default path
Project Template: Blank Project
Click: Finish
Modify BSP settings
Nios II -> BSP Editor...
In the Main tab, under Settings -> Common
Check: enable_small_c_library
Check: enable_reduced_device_drivers
File -> Save
Click: Generate BSP
Close BSP Editor
Using a file browser, navigate to
<NDI SDK Path>/ndi-fpga-refernce/a10-socdk-dec/software/tx_control_src
Select all files, right-click, and select: Copy
In Eclipse, right-click tx_control and select: Paste
Build: Project -> Build All (or press ctrl+B)
Update MIF file used to build FPGA
Right-click tx_control -> Make Targets -> Build
Select mem_init_generate
Click: Build
Zybo-Z7-20 HDMI Output
The Zybo-Z7 board uses the DVI output logic from the "Hamsterworks" HDMI project (ip/extern/HDMI/src/dvid_output.vhd). This is a simple DVI output and no HDMI features (e.g., emedded audio) are currently supported. Both 74.25 MHz (720p) and 148.5 MHz (1080p60) pixel rates are supported.
ZCU104 HDMI Output
The ZCU104 board uses the Xilinx HDMI 2.0 IP core. A full or evaluation license must be installed for this core prior to building the design with Vivado. This IP core also requires control software to configure the HDMI IP core. This software is currently running "bare-metal" on one of the Cortex-R5 cores.
Rebuilding the Cortex-R5 HDMI Software
If you have made any changes to the FPGA project:
Compile the ZCU104 FPGA design
Export the hardware to the SDK
File -> Export -> Export Hardware...
<Include bitstream>
and clickNext
Adjust path/filename if desired and click
Launch Vitis
Tools -> Launch Vitis IDE
Set Workspace directory as desired
Create a new Platform Project
File -> New -> Platform Project
Set Project name to
Create a new platform from hardware (XSA)
Select file
Set Operating System to
Set CPU to
Generate boot components
Platform Editor
window should open for the ZCU104-Enc platformSelect
ZCU104-Dec -> psu_cortexr5_0 -> standalone -> Board Support Package
Modify BSP Settings
Select the
libraries (used to communicate with Linux), leave all other libraries unselectedSwitch the console to UART1
Set the Value for stdin to
Set the Value for stdout to
Be patient, the BSP generation can take a while.
Import the HDMI Rx example project
In the Board Support Package window
Scroll down to
(it is near the bottom)Select
Import Examples
Be patient!
TxOnly_R5_1_system -> TxOnly_R5_1 -> src
All file names below are relative to this path
Update the DDR memory region in the linker script
Open the file
Set the
region details to match the rproc_0_reserved reserved memory region in the device-tree and save the file Base Address : 0x3ed00000 Size : 0x80000
Change HDMI code to use UART1
At line 96, change UART_BASEADDR to use UART1 and save the file #define UART_BASEADDR XPAR_XUARTPS_1_BASEADDR
Update the default video mode
Edit the default video resolution on line 2457 (optional)
Change the colorspace on line 2458 to XVIDC_CSF_YCRCB_420 for 4Kp60 and XVIDC_CSF_YCRCB_422 for other modes
Possible values are listed in the
enum in the file<workspace>/ZCU104-Dec/psu_cortexr5_0/standalone_domain/bsp/psu_cortexr5_0/include/xvidc.h
Fix build errors related to not having a test pattern generator:
Copy the tpg header files xv_tpg.h and xv_tpg_hw.h from the Xilinx SDK install directory into the src folder
Comment the contents of the
function (lines 322-373)Comment the contents of the
function (lines 378-383)Comment the assignment to
(line 1353)Comment the call to XV_ConfigTpg (line 1356)
Comment the assignment to
(line 1514)Comment the call to XV_ConfigTpg (line 1517)
Build the project
Project -> Build Project
Copy the ELF file to the ZCU104
The ELF file can be found at the following path
Copy this file to
on the ZCU104Rename the file as desired
Make sure you reference this filename when launching the R5 via remoteproc!
WARNING: The SoCKit project should be considered deprecated as the development board is no longer available for purchase. This design will be removed from future versions of the NDI Advanced SDK.
The SoCKit-Dec design targeting the Cyclone-V SoCKit Development board video output implementation (DVI_TX.vhd) converts the YUV video data from the NDI decoder into RGB and drives both the on-board VGA output and the (optional) Terasic DVH-HSMC daughtercard via the HSMC connector.
This is a simple DVI output and no HDMI features (e.g., emedded audio) are currently supported. Both 74.25 MHz (720p) and 148.5 MHz (1080p60) pixel rates are supported.
MIPI CSI Input Logic
Xilinx Kria KV260
This project uses the Xilinx MIPI CSI-2 Rx subsystem as configured for the "Smart Camera Accelerated Application" from Xilinx. A tap is added to the video output of the MIPI CSI core allowing pixels to be sent to the NDI Encode logic.
Last updated
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