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Essential properties used for modifying the broadcast configuration for an NDI Media Sender.
The NDI Broadcast Configuration structure is used when initializing or changing the broadcast configuration of an NDI Media Sender object.
Defines a collection of properties which describe the Source Information for NDI® connections. This structure is returned by Find Network Source by Name. Obtaining the NDI Source Information is the first step before connecting to an NDI source on the network.
To get NDI Source Information, call the “Blueprint Library Function” called Find Network Source By Name. To get a collection of multiple NDI Source Information structures, call Get NDI Source Collection. The collection can be iterated and used to “Start Broadcasting” or “Change Connection Information” on an Input Source object.
List of commands that provide detailed information on an NDI source and sender.
To get an NDI Receiver Performance Data structure, call the GetPerformanceData function on an NDI Receiver Component object in blueprints. This data can be useful for determining how strong/reliable the connection to the NDI® sender is.
Provides a wrapper around the NDI Media Sender to access functionality from Blueprints and perform simple broadcasting functionality.
A pointer to the Media Sender object representing the configuration of the network source to send audio, video, and metadata.
Adding the NDI Broadcast Component to an Actor in blueprints give your actor functionality for broadcasting audio, video, and metadata frames over NDI®.
The NDI Broadcast Component allows users to dynamically change the broadcast texture during runtime. This is useful for switching between different cameras, scene views, or dynamically generated content.
Provides a component used for essential functionality when dealing with finding NDI® sources on the network allowing you to get a collection of sources as well as listen for events when the source collection has changed.
FindNetworkSourcebyName (FNDIConnectionInformation&, FString)
Attempts to find a network source by the supplied name.
GetNetworkSources() (TArray)
Returns the current collection of NDI® sources found on the network.
Adding the NDI Finder Component to an Actor in blueprints give your actor functionality for finding NDI® sources on the network. This retrieves a collection of network sources as well as notifies of changes to the NDI® source collection.
Provides a wrapper around the NDI Media Receiver to access functionality from Blueprints and perform simple receiver functionality.
Adding the NDI Receiver Component to an Actor in blueprints give your actor functionality for receiving audio, video, and metadata frames from a connected NDI® sender.
Provides a component to be used to capture additional viewports for broadcasting over NDI®
Adding the NDI Viewport Capture Component to an Actor in blueprints give your actor functionality for rendering the viewport, while providing audio, video, and metadata frames from a connected NDI® sender.
Provides a component for PTZ control from an NDI® sender. Typically this is part of an NDI® Broadcast Actor. It can also be applied to any other type of Actor, with some limited functionality.
Content used to provide functionality for receiving audio, video, and metadata frames over NDI® to a connected NDI® sender.
Creating an NDI Media Receiver will provide configuration details to an NDI Receiver Component. Using the context menu of the content browser, you can create an NDI Media Receiver using the menu “Media” and locating the “NDI Media Receiver” entry. This will allow you to create a virtually unlimited number of NDI® receiver objects.
The NDI Media Receiver Asset can also receive metadata embedded in an incoming NDI stream. This metadata can be used for triggering Unreal Engine events, synchronizing assets, or passing data between NDI-enabled applications. Metadata processing can be accessed through Blueprint scripting or C++ functions.
Creating an NDI Media Sender will provide configuration details to an NDI Broadcast Component or NDI Viewport Capture Component. Using the context menu of the content browser, you can create an NDI Media Sender using the Media menu and locating the “NDI Media Sender” entry. This allows you to create a virtually unlimited number of NDI® sender objects.
In addition to video and audio streaming, the NDI Media Sender Asset supports metadata transmission. This allows Unreal Engine to send custom metadata, such as timestamps, event triggers, or custom JSON/XML data, along with the video feed. Receivers supporting metadata can use this information to synchronize events, control external applications, or enhance real-time workflows.
An NDI® IO Plugin specific SoundWave object used to provide functionality for playback of NDI® audio frames from an NDI® sender.
Creating an NDI Media Sound Wave will provide configuration details to an “NDI Reciever Component”. Using the context menu of the content browser, you can create an NDI Media Sound Wave using the menu Sounds
An NDI® IO Plugin specific Texture2D object used to provide functionality for playback of NDI® video frames from an NDI® sender. Creating an “NDI Media Texture2D” will provide a texture object used by an NDI Media Receiver. Using the context menu of the content browser, you can create a NDI Media Texture 2D using the menu Materials and Textures, and locating the “NDI Media Texture 2D” option.
An Actor which can be added to the scene that renders a new video texture from the viewpoint of the actor’s transform. Provides support for broadcasting the texture as a video frame to connected to an NDI® receiver.
Adding an “NDI Broadcast Actor” to a scene will provide an easy way to render a viewport to be sent over NDI® to connected NDI® receivers. You can find the “NDI Broadcast Actor” in the sub menu of “NDI®” within the Modes panel in the editor for your project.
An Actor you can add to the scene to display NDI® sender audio, video, and metadata frames in the virtual scene
Adding an “NDI Receive Actor” to a scene will provide an easy way to show video in a virtual environment. You can find the NDI Receive Actor in the “NDI®” sub menu within the “Modes” panel in the editor for your project.