What system resources are required to support a design including the NDI FPGA Codecs?

To properly implement the FPGA codecs in the NDI Advanced SDK requires:

  • ARM (or x86) CPU running Linux for the NDI software libraries

  • Shared memory between the CPU and FPGA for communicating the compressed NDI data

  • Register access to the FPGA from the CPU

  • Frame buffer memory for the FPGA to store uncompressed video data (does not need to be visible to the CPU)

For these reasons the examples provided all target SoC+FPGA parts from Xilinx and Altera. Using an SoC+FPGA part is not mandatory, but anything else will require additional development effort and similar system performance (eg: a PCIe link to the FPGA could work well for transferring NDI compressed data and register I/O).

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