Port Numbers
Each NDI connection will require one more port number. Current versions try for these to be in a predictable port range, although if some of this range is taken by other applications, it might need to use higher numbers. The following table describes the used port numbers, their types, and their purpose.
It is recommended that you use the connection types that are the default for the current version of NDI since these represent the best recommendations that we have tested and observed to yield the best performance in the field. Earlier versions of NDI might use ports in the ephemeral range, although modern versions of NDI no longer use these to ensure that the port numbers are more predictable and easier to configure in.
Port Number | Type | Use | NDI Version |
5353 | UDP | This is the standard port used for mDNS communication and is always used for multicast sending of the current sources onto the network. | NDI 5 |
5960 and up | UDP | When using reliable UDP connections it will use a very small number of ports in the range of 5960 for UDP. These port numbers are shared with the TCP connections. Because connection sharing is used in this mode, the number of ports required is very limited and only one port is needed per NDI process running and not one port per NDI connection. | NDI 5 |
5960 | TCP | This is a TCP port used for remote sources to query this machine and discover all the sources running on it. This is used for instance when a machine is added by IP address in the access manager so that from an IP address alone all the sources currently running on that machine can be discovered automatically. | NDI 5 |
5961 and up | TCP | These are the base TCP connection used for each NDI stream. For each current connection, at least one port number will be used in this range. | NDI 4 |
6960 and up | TCP/UDP | When using multi-TCP or UDP receiving, at least one port number in this range will be used for each connection. | NDI 4 |
7960 and up | TCP/UDP | When using multi-TCP, unicast UDP, or multicast UDP sending, at least one port number in this range will be used for each connection. | NDI 4 |
Last updated