Introduction to the NDI Brand

A new brand to express a new vision.

Welcome! As a community-driven brand, NDI is more than just a company. We constantly see our logos in products, packages, social media posts, and exhibition booths. This wide adoption requires consistency. Our brand team created this space to share the most updated brand guidelines and downloadable assets, empowering partners, licensees, users, and all others who want to use our brand in various contexts.

We are continuously updating these guidelines and assets, as our brand evolves. Check in once in a while to discover what's new.

Our brand is more than just a logo or a name; it reflects our vision, values, and the connections we seek to create. As you explore this documentation, you'll gain insight into what drives us and how we aim to change the world of video together with our Connected Community.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. Let’s remove the limits of video connectivity, together.

If you'd like to know more about the technology behind the brand, and our vision for NDI, read our White Paper.

Brand Concept

In early 2023, we embarked on a transformative journey to rebrand NDI, driven by our new expansive corporate vision: to remove the limits of video connectivity, unlocking boundless possibilities for every imaginable video experience.

Crafting a brand identity for such a dynamic and far-reaching vision posed a formidable challenge. We knew that to communicate our technology to our users effectively, we needed to distil the core ideas that define NDI to them. These ideas became our brand values, the guiding principles for our rebranding efforts:

Brand Values

  1. Unifying: As an ingredient brand, NDI seamlessly integrates into every facet of the video landscape while maintaining a clean, universally recognizable essence.

  2. Seamless: NDI is often described to us as 'magic.' We aimed to infuse this feeling into our brand expression while remaining firmly grounded as a technology-driven company.

  3. Flexible: Flexibility is at the heart of NDI. We understand that the world of video is ever-evolving, and NDI's adaptability ensures it remains a constant, reliable presence in the ever-changing landscape.

  4. Open-ended: The possibilities with NDI are limitless, just like the video experiences it enables. Our commitment to an open-ended approach means that NDI will continue to evolve alongside the creative minds that use it.

Our brand visually embodies the intersection of technology, magic, and connections.

We sought inspiration from nature to perfectly communicate our principles and rebranding vision and found the answer in something as technological, as it is magical: magnetism. Just like magnets effortlessly connect and attract, NDI encapsulates the essence of magnetism. It facilitates instant, simple, and captivating connections between compatible devices.

With its simplicity, universality, and ability to provide magical and seamless connections everywhere, we knew this would be the best way to explain our complex technology to all.

Building upon this foundation, our creative journey unfolded, ultimately leading to the development of the brand assets shared here.

Last updated